My name is Thaddeus Kobylarz and I am delighted to be running for a seat on the Chatham Borough Council. Chatham Borough is a special place. From its beautifully tree-canopied streets to its top-tier public school system, its visually appealing open spaces to its first-rate recreation and athletic programs, and its outstanding public library to its seasonal Farmer’s Market, I believe there’s no better spot in New Jersey to call home. That is why after moving here from California ten years ago my wife Xenia and I quickly chose to stay put, embracing this lovely town as the community in which to raise our two wonderful boys TJ (age 12) and Maximus (age 9).
For me, one of the things that defines Chatham Borough is its strong sense of history and tradition. This is reflected in such aspects of community life as the prominent role played by the Chatham Historical Society, the special status accorded the borough’s Main Street Historic District, and the annual holding of both the Fishawack Festival and the Fourth of July Parade. At the same time, it is clear to me that Chatham Borough is a municipality currently confronted by the sort of growth demands faced by a great many other twenty-first century suburban communities. Last November’s revision of the Master Plan and June’s designation of the Post Office Plaza as “in need of redevelopment” are but two responses by borough officials to this mounting economic and social pressure for change.
A key question, therefore, is how best to resolve this growing tension confronting Chatham Borough. I believe that a reasoned, balanced, and cautious approach is required to address this and similar such issues falling within the purview of our local government. When making policy decisions that affect both the quality of life and property values of borough residents, it is essential that every effort be made to survey the widest scope of relevant evidence before rendering judgment, one guided throughout by the dictates of fairness, transparency, and reason. In my view, we must avoid rushing headlong into decisions that could suddenly and drastically alter the character of our borough, a place to which a great many of us were initially drawn for reasons of charm and small-town feel. Inevitably, some concessions to growth will have to be made; here, the bar for adoption must be set sufficiently high to ensure a compelling need from the standpoint of the greatest number of borough residents, all things considered.
In short, I believe the issues facing Chatham Borough, including those pertaining to the future shape of this beautiful community, must be handled in a fair, rational, balanced, and utterly transparent manner, with both the widest scope of relevant evidence and greatest degree of input from borough residents possible.
As a ten-year resident, I have come to know Chatham Borough in considerable part through volunteer work on various local committees and organizations. For example, I am privileged to serve on the Board of the Chatham Education Foundation. I am similarly a member of the Chatham Borough Shade Tree Commission. I happily contribute time to my sons’ cub scouting activities, both as a former Den Leader and also as a frequent campfire guitarist with Pack 8. (As a proud Eagle Scout myself, I am thrilled to be able to share in my two boys’ scouting adventures.) And I am honored to serve as Chair of the Chatham Borough Democratic Committee and Treasurer of the Morris County Democratic Committee.
My commitment to service is both deeply ingrained and long-standing. As a college undergraduate, I volunteered time as a Big Brother. While in graduate school I tutored inner-city children in math and science.
Professionally, I am Partner and Chairman of GT Global Ventures, a startup venture capital firm focused on the alternative energy and telecommunications sectors. Here, I believe my experience in management and finance provides me with the skills needed to run a fiscally responsible budget.
With regard to education, I am a graduate of Columbia University (BS and PhD), Oxford University (LLB), and the University of Pennsylvania Law School (LLM).
As your Councilman, I will work diligently to preserve the traditional character and charm of our beautiful borough, all the while balanced by the need to move our community cautiously forward for the benefit of future generations.
I hope I can count on your support.
Thank you,
Thaddeus Kobylarz
Passion, Experience, Leadership
Mail Donations To:
Friends of Kobylarz and Wilcox
43 Southern Blvd
Chatham, NJ 07928